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Development Creation ToolsDevelopment Creation Tools
Director* by:

Macromedia Inc.
600 Townsend
San Francisco, CA 94103
Tel:  415-252-2000

Tool: Director*
Category: Digital Content Creation: MultiMedia Authoring
Director 5.0.1, a powerful authoring tool for multimedia and the Internet, provides the power, performance, productivity, and platform support that a multimedia developer needs. Director provides timing and interactivity for media elements such as 2D and 3D graphics, animation, sound, and digital video from a wide variety of sources and create stand-alone runtime applications. Director allows you to develop on Windows 95, NT, 3.1, or Macintosh OS then deliver files on Windows 95, NT, and 3.1; Macintosh OS; Enhanced CD, and the Internet using Shockwave.

Key Pentium® II processor features/performance benefit
Features Benefits
Increased alpha blending and matte mode inking performance (up to 40%) Ability to do higher quality object layering - improved performance
Speed-up of up to 40% in 256 color mode using ink bitmap images and animations Smoother animations and the ability to work with larger or more numerous graphic objects
Product and Contact Information
Availability of Product Contact
Now Available: Director 5.0.1 MMX technology Playe 1-800-800-288-4797
(Product and Technical Support)

26 August 1997

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation